Thursday, September 4, 2014


Karijini National Park was amazing.  Shades of red, green and purple on the curved hills filled with iron and covered in green spinifex bushes. The area is drained by a number of deep gorges which flow into the (in)famous Wittennoom gorge. The blue asbestos and fibres could be seen in some of the gorges we visited. We stayed six nights here - our longest stay to date. We spent hours down some of the gorges, floating down narrow pools on lilos (blow up beds - the term seems to be a bit outdated). 

Laura on the "spider walk" in (presumably Lang) Hancock gorge.

Kermit pool in Hancock Gorge.

The amazingly cute spinifex pigeons that ate our crumbs everyday.

At Fern Pool, Dales Gorge.

Fortescue Pools

Rock layers in Dale's gorge.

Swimming in very cold water.

Dales Gorge at sunset.

Camp site at the Karijini eco-retreat.

Weano gorge

Handrail pool in Weano gorge.

The tortured rocks at Hammersly gorge.

Knox gorge

200m lilo ride down Joffre gorge.



  1. Reminds me so much of going to alligator and crystal creeks and jourama falls as a kid and jumping of rocks all day. Beautiful. Makes me remember what a great childhood I had

  2. And outward bound - I remember lilo-ing down some gorge for 2 days with gear.

  3. Hi guys,

    Looks like you are having a fabulous trip. It brings back lots of memories. Haven't looked at your blog till now as I didn't want to see you having so much fun while we're back here in Brisvegas doing the same-old.

    Great photos.

    All the best Michael, Jeni, Bella and Cullen

  4. I made a comment before, but don't know where it zipped off to, but I'll say it again This deserves a round of calendars as chrissy presents featuring the Roberts/Playford mob as models in the landscape. Love your work, Graeme
